
Do you have backups in place?

  • 27 mai 2016

We take daily backups of all websites hosted with us to protect your data. What about your own local computer and mobile devices, do you have backups enabled on these? Find out more on our latest post: Backups are for sissies, right?

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Not another update

  • 25 mai 2016
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Do you SSL/HTTPS? You should. Find out why

  • 20 mai 2016
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Domain name renewal emails, legitimate or not?

  • 16 mai 2016

How can you tell if the email you have just received about a domain rewewal that is due it legitimate or not? We've put together some information to help you on our latest blog post: Domain name renewal emails, legitimate or not
Please take the time to read it, you'll be doing yourself a favor.

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